- 225 -

Eleventh Hour: The New Yorker Bedroom- Comes in Adult and PG fatpacks with each item sold separately as well. Set includes - Bed, Nightstands, Subway Sign, I Love Ny Deco -

Fapple- Valet Female & Fapple- Valet Male 

VARONIS - Industrial Loft - avaible at FaMESHed

Other Furniture used:
NOMAD // Bright Headed Mannequin 
Bazar: Toronto-Bedroom canvas, Stockholm-Headphones &Bedroom Lamp &Sneakers, Traveler-Bag 1.Toronto-Vanity table, Stockholm-Typewriter
Soy. Transistor Television, Potted Olive Tree & Vintage Metal Basket. 
.06 [ kunst ] - Rug #1

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