Dress : [JUSTICE] JANIS DRESS - New At FaMESHed ...

SHOT 1: HISA - Forest Retreat ----> New at Shiny Shabby Nutmeg. Summer's End Table w/Cloth Nutmeg. Garden Junk Stool Nutmeg. Laundry Day Clothesline 5. Nutmeg. Garden Getaway Teapot & Cups Nutmeg. Coffee Tray Bonus Item SHOT 2: West Villageby Apple Fall Cala Cane Chair 7. Nutmeg. Garden Getaway Table w/ Cookies Nutmeg. Rustic Fence Hanging Baskets Nutmeg. Dacha Hanging Candle Bucket Nutmeg....
Head: Genus Project EYES: -SU!- Lythion Eyes ONIX Skin: [ session ] Ciara Tone05 (Genus BoM applier) Earring: RichB. Reaper Earrings Necklace: Badwolf - In Chains Group GIFT! Cuffs: RichB. BadMouse Cuff Outfit: [HU] Dilly Outfit -----> New At Belle Event .05 [ kunst ] - Eyebrow piercings / silver [ kunst ] - Cigarette ...
Hisa - La maisonette D'Aurora Nutmeg. Dreamy ---> NeW At Shiny Shabby Nutmeg. Dreamy Pastels Armchair Nutmeg. Dreamy Pastels Sofa Nutmeg. Dreamy Pastels Paper Bin Nutmeg. Dreamy Pastels Coffee Table / 4 Nutmeg. Dreamy Pastels Candle Stand Nutmeg. Dreamy Pastels Basket Bonus Item Nutmeg. Dreamy Pastels Floor Pillows Nutmeg. Dreamy Pastels Lamp / 1 Nutmeg. Dreamy Pastels Cupboard / 1 Nutmeg. Dreamy Pastels...
Hair: Stealthic - Penance Glasses: !13ACT Nasty Glasses -----> NeW at Belle Event Top: -[ vagrant ]- Taylor Top - Shorts: -[ vagrant ]- Alice Doodle Shorts ----> NeW At N21 Socks sneakers: -[ vagrant ]- Alice Socks - Sneaker ----> NeW At N21 Dog: [Rezz Room] Box German Shepherd Puppy (Companion) TaTToo: HoTiNK Tattoo Topaz ----> New at Dubai Event ...
HISA - English Garden Shed - Gift! [ zerkalo ] Venice Bathtub - Adult ----> NeW aT Kustom9 [Rezz Room] European Cat Baby Animesh (Companion) ----> Equal10 [Rezz Room] European Cat Adult Animesh (Companion) Nutmeg. Garden Junk Broken Chair / 1 Adult Nutmeg. Garden Junk Broken Chair / 2 Adult Nutmeg. Rustic Fence Clothesline Bonus Item Nutmeg. Rustic Fence Hanging Baskets [ zerkalo...
Head Genus Classic Skin & Shape: [ session ] Nadia T02 Necklace: Badwolf - Demon's Nails Necklace Nosechain: Badwolf - Doom Nose Chain [ kunst ] - Kitty rings -----> New at Epiphany RichB. Reaper Earrings -----> eBento RichB. BadMouse Cuff ---> Vanity Event ...
VARONIS - Kazuko Skybox [ILAYA] Wet Dreams - Neon Light -----> NeW At FaMESHed X Tuesdays Fabric Light X Edition -----> NeW At FaMESHed X .random.Matter. - Take Away -----> NeW At Epiphany .random.Matter. - Take Away - Chicken Basket .random.Matter. - Take Away - Nugget Basket .random.Matter. - Take Away - Pizza - RARE *PAN* Upcycled Gacha -----> NeW At Epiphany *PAN*...
Hair: #BESOM hair~ Evira hairstyle Dress: Addams // Serendipity Outfit *HEXtraordinary* Chinese Crested Doggies ---->NeW At Epiphany - TRIGGERED - My Milk Box Gacha ---->NeW At Epiphany ...
KOPFKINO - Miss Vanity ----> New at The Epiphany KOPFKINO - Miss Vanity - Divider (c) KOPFKINO - Miss Vanity - Mannequin Dress (c) KOPFKINO - Miss Vanity - Bag and Shoes rose exclusive (c) KOPFKINO - Miss Vanity - Dressing Table (c) KOPFKINO - Miss Vanity - Brush Tray (c) KOPFKINO - Miss Vanity - Frame and Apple (c) KOPFKINO - Miss...
Wings: !dM deviousMind "Fiora" **EPIPHANY ----> NeW at Epiphany - !dM Fiora - FairyWings **WHITE PETAL** Headflower/Bouquet/Mouthflower: *Tentacio* Le fleur ----> NeW at Epiphany - flower mouth ...
Hair: [^.^Ayashi^.^] Endless Love Gacha -----> New At Epiphany Tattoo: THIS IS WRONG Serenity gacha -----> New At Epiphany ...
{-MK-}x[CX] - Pony Girl Headgear (Black) Ghoul - Fuyuko Pony Girl - New At FaMESHed X .:revival:. grace chair leather - ADULT ----> New At FaMESHed X Pose: .::Domizia::. - Female 26 ...
Me: Hair: tram J0324 hair ---> Collabor88 Outfit: Lunar - Baby (Cardigan-Top-Shorts-Panties) ---->NeW at equal10 He: Shirt: VUK. Creed Shirt V4 ----> New at Access Event Pants: <Kalback> Casual Jeans Ripped M2 ::WetCat:: "Berlin" Backdrop w/Menu OneDecor_Flower Cart [Rezz Room] European Cat Adult Animesh (Companion) -----> Equal Event [Rezz Room] German Shepherd Puppy (Companion) ---> New at Access Event Nutmeg. His Bike Black v1 Adult...
Eudora3D Edith Boots (Maitreya-Legacy) ------> FaMESHed X Seniha. Gayle Set // ------> FaMESHed X N4RS Opium Day Bed ------> FaMESHed X -N4RS Opium Tray Table -N4RS Opium Imperia Jar Pose: .::Domizia::. - Couple 28 ...
Dress: Ricielli - Summer Dress ---> NeW at FaMESHed Pose: Ana Poses - Portrait of Love ...
Head: GENUS Project - Genus Head - Strong Face GIFT001 - Mocap Eyes: -SU!- Aura Eyes Midnight ---> Anthem -[ vagrant ]- Aurora Set - Bloggers ---->Anthem skin: [ session ] Yvette Fullbody (tone01) BoM (Genus applier) Necklace: [ kunst ] - Enna Set -----> Fameshed ...
Hisa - La maisonette D'Aurora ----New At FaMESHed ...

Scarlet Creative St Paul ------> New at FaMESHed Scarlet Creative Wonderland Seating Table and Cushions -----> NeW At Anthem hive // kentia palm plant +Half-Deer+ Beach Towel Clutter - ALL - Draped Over Nutmeg. Forgotten Library Bust 2. Nutmeg. Garden Getaway Traveler's Chair RARE 15. Nutmeg. Garden Getaway Bentwood Chair Nutmeg. Holiday Clutter Ladder w/Decor Adult Nutmeg. Summer Bliss Drapes DaD "Antique Hydrangea...
Hair: #Besom Beauty~Jae hairstyle & BOM -----> Equal10 Dress: neve review - ----> New At FaMESHed Necklace: [ kunst ] - Enna Set ----> New At FaMESHed ...
Head Catwa - Catya Skin: [ session ] Mirriam ----> Skinfair Tattoo: HoTiNK Tattoo Aumakua ---> Look Event ...

DRD - Apocalyptic Hideout SET -----> NeW at FaMESHed - 11 - DRD - Trailer Park - Kitchen Small 31 - DRD - Trailer Park - Toilet DRD - San Mora - Street Stuff - Sign - DRD - Kicked To The Curb - DRD - Forest Picnic - Dessert Table DRD - The Joint Delivery Van - Occupied DRD - San Mora...